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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.88.0 - 15.03.2022

by Yıldırım
Release Notes Documentation

New Background API functionality

Now all API endpoints available at ERP API documentation can be invoked in asynchronous mode by using the new “Background API” functionality. Documentation can be found here.

Improved performance on GET ALL CustomerPayment endpoint

The performance of the CustomerPayment endpoint has been improved.


Due dates for breaking changes

Release Notes Documentation Due

Breaking change on Location endpoint for PUT operation

PUT Location endpoint will from version 8.91.0 return "404-Not found" instead of "400-Bad request" when the asset is not found. Apr 05, 2022

Breaking change on Inventory endpoint for GET operation

Paging will be enforced on Inventory endpoint.
The ISV must start implementing paging on this endpoint as soon as possible. The default page size is planned to be set to 5000.
If you do not specify a page size, you will get 5000 records, and if you try to specify a higher number, you will only get 5000 records.
Example: If you do a GET ALL on Inventory, without specifying any paging, you will get the first 5000 records only.
Apr 01, 2022

Breaking change on Project endpoint for GET operation

Paging will be enforced on Project endpoint.
The ISV must start implementing paging on this endpoint as soon as possible. The default page size is planned to be set to 500.
If you do not specify a page size, you will get 500 records, and if you try to specify a higher number, you will only get 500 records.
Example: If you do a GET ALL on Project, without specifying any paging, you will get the first 500 records only.
Apr 01, 2022