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Help Financials API updates for version 8.56.0 (July 2021)

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎09-07-2021 11:58 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Release date for 8.56.0 version has been planned as 13/07/2021
Release plan & date may vary. We will keep you informed of any changes. This thread will be updated regularly up until the point of version-release.


Release Notes Documentation

Pagination parameters wrongfully introduced for VatCatergory Endpoint in swagger documentation

Even though the 'VatCategory' endpoint does not support pagination, the 'PageSize' and 'PageNumber' parameters were exposed in Swagger documentation. Now they have been removed.

Posting "CustomerInvoice/V2" and changing the date via the UI resets Unit price on lines

Earlier, when using "POST V2/CustomerInvoice" and changing the invoice date via the UI, the Unit price was reset on the invoice lines. This has now been fixed.

GET warehouse endpoint returning trailing spaces in several IDs

Earlier, the GET warehouse endpoint returned receiptLocationId, shipLocationId, returnLocationId, locations-locationId, and dropShipLocationId with trailing spaces.
This has now been fixed, and IDs will not contain trailing spaces in the response any more.

Wrong documentation in the GET Supplier Invoice Endpoint for "Released" parameter

Earlier, the documentation for the "Released" parameter available in the GET Supplier Invoice endpoint was incorrect.

The issue has now been fixed.

Wrong account in credit note lines when created with API function Reverse and Apply to note

Earlier, a wrong account was generated in the lines of credit notes when they were created using api/v1/customerinvoice/{invoiceNumber}/action/reverseandapplytonote endpoint. This has now been fixed.

KitSpecification endpoint missing LastModifiedDateTime in the DTO and cannot be filtered upon

Earlier, GET KitSpecification endpoint was missing the field LastModifiedDateTime in the DTO and could not be filtered upon. This has now been fixed.