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Help Financials API updates for version 8.65.0 (September 2021)

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎12-11-2021 12:55 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Release date for 8.65.0 version has been planned as 14/09/2021
Release plan & date may vary. We will keep you informed of any changes. This thread will be updated regularly up until the point of version-release.


Release Notes Documentation

API Swagger documentation has been updated

We have received numerous feedback from ISVs that the new format of the swagger documentation is not very user-friendly.
We have therefore reformatted the swagger documentation, so it has the same look and feel as the previous versions.

New endpoint for GET projects by Internal ID

It is now possible to get the data for a project by its internalID using the new endpoint:
GET /api/v1/project/internal/{internalID}

Branch API - new columns returned on GET 

The Branch APIs have been changed, and two columns have been added:
Branch ID that returns the PK for the branch while Number returns the viable Branch CD and isActive that returns TRUE or FALSE

The message when a branch does not exist has also been changed, and it differs between a non-existing and a deleted branch.
If the branch is deleted, you will get the message "Branch with number 'NN' has been deleted." Else you'll get the message "Branch is not found"

Better error message creating a sales order with an existing order number via API

There is now a more explanatory error message when trying to create a sales order with an already existing order number via the API.




Due dates for breaking changes

First announcement: Financials API updates for version 8.61.0 (August 2021)

release notes documentation Due

Breaking change on Currency endpoint

The PUT, POST and GET v1/currency/ExchangeRates methods are deprecated and will be removed on November 23rd 2021.
Start using the new methods under v2/currencyRate.
Nov 23, 2021

Breaking change on GeneralLedgerTransactions

To improve the performance of GeneralLedgerTransactions endpoint, there are now three new flags to allow users to retrieve extended data only if necessary: expandBranchInfo, expandAccountInfo, includeTransactionBalance.
To ensure the API compatibility, the flags were set to True by default but they will be switched to False by November 16th 2021.
Please verify swagger documentation and if you consider the extended data is necessary, set the flags to True for your calls.
Nov 16, 2021

Breaking changes on Budget endpoint

From January 18th 2022, the following breaking changes will be committed on GET method of the Budget endpoint:
 - 'Branch' and 'Ledger' filters will become mandatory. Now they are specified to be mandatory by documentation, but it is not enforced by implementation.
 - 'FinancialYear' filter will become mandatory
 - Now, the branch filter requires being specified either by branch full name (example: BranchID - BranchName), either by branch ID surrounded by quotation marks. It will be simplified to require the branch ID without any other marks.
Jan 18, 2022