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Help Financials API updates for version 8.74.0 (November 2021)

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎17-12-2021 15:27 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Release date for 8.74.0 version has been planned as 16/11/2021
Release plan & date may vary. We will keep you informed of any changes. This thread will be updated regularly up until the point of version-release.


Release Notes Documentation

Changes on GeneralLedgerTransactions endpoint parameters

To improve the performance of GeneralLedgerTransactions endpoint, the three new flags that were introduced in version 8.60 and that allow users to retrieve extended data if necessary (expandBranchInfo, expandAccountInfo, includeTransactionBalance) are now set to false by default.
Please verify swagger documentation and if you consider the extended data is necessary, set the flags to True for your calls.

Posting of attachments to JournalTransactionV2 for all modules

 Now it's possible to use the new POST /api/v2/journaltransaction/module/{module}/{journalTransactionNumber}/attachment
to add attachments for transactions created for all workspaces. Earlier, it was only possible to add attachments for transactions created in the general ledger (GL) workspace. The old endpoints are set to obsolete but will be available for 6 months.

Note that it's still only possible to post journal transactions for the workspace GL but when journal transactions for other workspaces are created from other modules and endpoints and ends up in journal transactions, so that the journalTransactionNumber exist, then it's now possible to add the attachment.

Improved performance of GET journaltransaction

When using GET /api/v2/journaltransaction with a lot of data, the calls became slower for each paginated call and could in some cases end up in a timeout. This has now been improved.

Wrong sales account used in POST CustomerInvoice for export type customers

Earlier, the POST CustomerInvoice endpoint gave an incorrect sales account on invoice lines for customers registered for export to EU or non-EU countries. This has now been fixed.

Last modified date as UTC in the Branch endpoint

When using GET for a branch or range of branches, the "lastModifiedDateTime" is now shown as UTC.


Due dates for breaking changes

Release Notes Documentation Due

Breaking change on Currency endpoint

The PUT, POST and GET v1/currency/ExchangeRates methods are deprecated and will be removed on January 11th, 2021.
Start using the new methods under v2/currencyRate.
Jan 11, 2022

Breaking changes on Budget endpoint

From January 18th 2022, the following breaking changes will be committed on GET method of the Budget endpoint:
 - 'Branch' and 'Ledger' filters will become mandatory. Now they are specified to be mandatory by documentation, but it is not enforced by implementation.
 - 'FinancialYear' filter will become mandatory
 - Now, the branch filter requires being specified either by branch full name (example: BranchID - BranchName), either by branch ID surrounded by quotation marks. It will be simplified to require the branch ID without any other marks.
Jan 18, 2022