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  The Online Academie Learning Management System mijnLMS is an integral learning portal to organise, manage and monitor all training processes. mijnLMS offers the possibility to monitor talent development from onboarding through smart workflows, functions and reports.   https://mijnlms.nl/   Partner since 2021   These are the partners applications: MijnLMS   Learning API consumption details:   Endpoint Property HRCB Element Description Employees personId N/A - Technische sleutel medewerker Unique identifier of the employee Employees knownAs 165 - Roepnaam The employees nickname Employees lastName 524 - Opgemaakte naam aanhef* *This field is combination of the last name and the last name prefix The persons last name (based on selected name preference) Employees validUntil N/A - Ingangsdatum Start date of the version of the employee Employees validFrom N/A - Einddatum End date of the version of the employee Employees emailAddresses type:"Business" address 7212 - E-mailadres List the business email address of the employee Employees employments company 18 - Bedrijfscode The functional company code of the employees contract (employment) Employees employments hireDate 39 - Datum indienst The start date of the employees contract (employment) Employees employments dischargeDate 10520479 - Geplande laatste datum indienst* *Datum uitdienst minus 1 dag The end date of the employees contract (employment) Employees jobProfile 97 - Functie The functional job profile code of the employees contract (employment) Employees employments organizationUnit 6000 - Organisatorische eenheid The functional organisational unit code of the employees contract (employment) Companies id N/A - Technische sleutel bedrijf Unique identifier of the company Companies code 18 - Bedrijfscode (code) Functional code of the company Companies fullName 18 - Bedrijfscode (omschrijving) Functional name of the company Companies validUntil N/A - Ingangsdatum Start date of that version of the company Companies validFrom N/A - Einddatum End date of that version of the company JobProfiles id N/A - Technische sleutel functie Unique identifier of the job profile JobProfiles shortName 97 - Functie code Functional code of the job profile JobProfiles fullName 97 - Functie code omschrijving Functional name of the job profile JobProfiles validUntil N/A - Ingangsdatum Start date of that version of the job profile JobProfiles validFrom N/A - Einddatum End date of that version of the job profile OrganizationUnits id N/A - Technische sleutel OE Unique identifier of the organizational unit OrganizationUnits fullName 549 - Naam OE Functional code of the organizational unit OrganizationUnits organizationUnitType 7475 - Type organisatorische eenheid Functional name of the organizational unit OrganizationUnits parentOrgUnit N/A - Technische sleutel van bovenliggende OE Unique identifier of the parent organizational unit OrganizationUnits manager 7137 - manager Unique identifier of the manager of the organizational unit* *Only for HR Core Business. For HR Core Online the manager is part of the role assignment   Subscription options:   # Name Purpose Range 1 Historical days Data retention days 90-1095 2 Filter The ability to define specific population Company & employee type 3 Extensions Add extra fields Using extensions need to be approved by the partner    
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