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Nets / lyhyt huoltokatko 5.-6-3.2024 välisenä yönä
Netsillä on lyhyt huoltokatko 5.-6.3.2024 välisenä yönä klo 4 aikaan.
Alla alkuperäinen viesti:
There will be a maintenance break at the night between Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th of March. Break is planned to start at 04:00 CET and should last only a few minutes.There are no actions required by the merchants after the updates but if for any reason the terminal is not automatically reconnected, please try to restart the payment terminal device or connect your usual support channels at Nets.
Toinen huoltokatko on 6.3.2024 klo 22 aikaan.
In addition to earlier announced maintenance break at 6th March there will be also another maintenance break later that day. Break is planned to start at 22:00 CET and should last only a few minutes.
- Maintenance break is required for the security patches and other platform updates to be installed properly. Unfortunately this requires a short break when services are restarted and updates are taken into use. It should not last more than a few minutes and planned to happen around 22:00 CET.
- There are no actions required by the merchants after the updates but if for any reason the terminal is not automatically reconnected, please try to restart the payment terminal device or connect your usual support channels at Nets.
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