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Nets / lyhyt huoltokatko 6.-7.2.2024 välisenä yönä / Päivitetty 8.2.2024
Päivitetty 8.2.2024 klo 9.30
Unfortunately the planned maintenance update at the February 8th needed to rollback since our monitoring system observed issues with terminals reconnecting after update. Unfortunately there was also some downtime on the service while doing rollback. The new schedule for the update will be informed later.
Päivitetty 8.2.2024
Unfortunately the planned maintenance update at the night between Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th of February 2024 did not happen. The new planned update time is Feb 8th. It should not cause any breaks and changes are applied in a rolling process. In case any breaks occur the update is planned to start around 07:00 CET and should last only a few minutes.
Maintenance update is required for the security patches and other platform updates to be installed properly. It should not cause visible breaks in the services and should not last more than a few minutes and planned to happen around 07:00 CET.
There are no actions required by the merchants after the updates but if for any reason the terminal is not automatically reconnected, please try to restart the payment terminal device or connect your usual support channels at Nets.
Netsillä on lyhyt huoltokatko 6.-7.2024 välisenä yönä klo 4 aikaan.
Alla alkuperäinen viesti:
There will be a maintenance update at the night between Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th of February 2024. It should not cause any breaks and changes are applied in a rolling process. In case any breaks occur the update is planned to start around 04:00 CET and should last only a few minutes.
- Maintenance update is required for the security patches and other platform updates to be installed properly. It should not cause visible breaks in the services and should not last more than a few minutes and planned to happen around 04:00 CET.
- There are no actions required by the merchants after the updates but if for any reason the terminal is not automatically reconnected, please try to restart the payment terminal device or connect your usual support channels at Nets.
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