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Tiedoksi Nets:n tiedote koskien maksupäätteitä
Hannele Grönfors
Tiedoksi Nets:n tiedote koskien ympäristömuutoksia ja maksupäätteitä.
Payment Terminal
- The payment terminal traffic and connections will be directly pointed towards the new AWS endpoint.
- You must make sure that nothing blocks the traffic to TCP port 6001 against the new AWS endpoint addresses,
- Payment terminals will be automatically updated to use the new IP address for the Connect@Cloud. No manual actions in the payment terminal required on-site.
- IP addresses are distributed via Nets backend and in the next online communication terminal updates values, reboots automatically and takes the new address in use.
- Timeline
- Starting from week 17 and aiming to have all terminals using the new IP addresses by the end of June 2024.
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