I have a problem that the priceInCurrency I send is overruled by the price defined on the product in VismaBusinessNxt when sending order lines as input variable. When sending order lines directly in the request with the same field ordering the priceInCurrency is set correctly. I have understood that the ordering of the fields are important and have tried different ordering of the orderline input without success. I will appreciate if anyone have some suggestions. Example sending orderline as variable (priceInCurrency is overruled by product): mutation create_orderlines($cid : Int!, $orderLinesInput: [OrderLine_Insert_Input!]!) { useCompany(no : $cid) { orderLine_create(values: $orderLinesInput) { affectedRows items { orderNo lineNo } } } } Variables: { "cid": 111111, "orderLinesInput": [{ "orderNo" : 2356, "productNo" : "405", "unit": 1, "orgUnit1": 1, "orgUnit2": 1, "taxCode": 3, "quantity" : 2.0, "currencyNo": 47, "priceInCurrency": 14.0, "discountPercent1": 0.0, "description": "Kvikklunsj, 22.04.2023 16:58 - 23.04.2023 12:00, Refnr.:" }] } Same request without orderline as input variable (priceInCurrency is set correctly as specified in the request): mutation create_orderlines($cid : Int!) { useCompany(no : $cid) { orderLine_create(values:[{ orderNo : 2356 productNo : "405" unit: 1 orgUnit1: 1 orgUnit2: 1 taxCode: 3 quantity : 2.0 currencyNo: 47 priceInCurrency: 14.0 discountPercent1: 0.0 description: "Kvikklunsj, 22.04.2023 16:58 - 23.04.2023 12:00, Refnr.:"}]) { affectedRows items { orderNo lineNo } } } } { "cid": 111111 }
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