The goal was to update invoicerows by polling GET on already existing invoice rows which had article, description, amount, unit, price, account, and subaccounts on them. We extract the dates from the description and assign them to the accrual dates along with an accrual key in a mapped update dto. If the invoice had more then five rows, only the first five rows would receive the updated accrual key, but all would receive the dates. Meaning we would have updated all rows but missing accrual keys on n-5 rows. This was also tested in a demo company so it has to be a bug. The workaround is currently to post (n = rows) n/5 customer invoices (same invoice head) with 5 rows of update dto each.
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In a program, we are trying to update customer invoice lines by assigning a deferral key, start date for deferral, and end date for deferral. We use the endpoint [PUT]{invoiceNumber} and send a JSON payload as shown below. Bug: When we attempt to update more than 5 lines, only the first lines are assigned the deferral key, while all lines are assigned the start and end dates for deferral. The issue has been reproduced in the demo environment (see attachment). This applies to deferral keys with the accounting method "Flexible by periods, proportional over days."
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Thanks! (ID: 4228921) is now up and running. We have the same error with company ID:4481022, 1374141, we checked the length of segmentvalue and it's correct.
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Hi, Our customer (ID: 4228921) receives the following error message in Medius AP A from the API when supplier invoices are to be sent over; Felmeddelande från ERP: 'requestUri: controller/api/v1/supplierinvoice / method: post / headers: Content: application/json Authorization: <******> ipp-application-type: Financials ipp-company-id: ****** / response content: {"message":"VismaId: 71451f44-0405-4e30-b8a5-ec08cdc2ef8c. Error creating supplierInvoice. Error: Inserting 'Supplier transactions' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.\r\nAn error in processing of field Subaccount: Error: Projekt + AO/ÄTA of Subaccount do not exist."} / json response {"Version":
We have tried creating the invoice manually in Visma, but get no error. We see no error in the subaccount or the segment value.
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As we said, it is not the address itself that changes, but whether Upsales has made a event on the customer. Which can be every other day. Even though we keep track of whether the customer has been updated, K3 still needs to invoice its customers. We need a workaround that makes it easy for the customer to make a collective invoice in It's a pity because the customer is happy with their way of working. If only the routine in checked customer number instead of address id, this would not have been a problem.
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From Upsales: New information is added, changed or disappears. It does not have to be information needed to sync to Visma.NET. As soon as we feel that something is happening on the customer card, we sync everything to Visma.NET to be on the safe side that there is always correct information in both systems
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Hi Magnus, We are using the automation in the ERP. Step 1. Create a sales order manually Step 2. Create Shipment Sep 3. Prepare Invoice (routine) When we generate new invoices from order in the settings are made to have one invoice for each customer. But generates multiple invoices for each customer. It’s seems like generate one invoice for each address ID. We would like to have one invoice per customer regardless address ID.
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Hi, When creating sales order the ‘Invoice separately’ is unchecked on order type, Visma still create invoices separately. See ticket 00150654. Visma creates invoices basted on Adress ID, in our case the address never chanced in Visma but it’s still creating invoices separately. Visma is connected to Upsales. When we generate new invoices, we want the lates information from the customers, way use the Adress ID when the sales order was created? And witch settings can we use to makes sure the sale order will be invoices at once?
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POST/controller/api/v1/supplierInvoice When creating supplierInvoice we get an error "the documen t is out of balance". See attachment. We tested different scenarios, and it seems that we get the error when we send three decimals. This is something we have been able to do prior. - has there been a change in the API?
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All imports from Visma.Net to Tracked stopped this morning. The endpoint /controller/api/v1/dimension/subaccount and parameter lastModifiedDateTime gives the correct answer if there is something changed since “lastModifiedDateTime” but if there is no change of data the endpoint answers with 404, see below. url = "" HTTPClient::BadResponseError (unexpected response: #<HTTP::Message::Headers:0x0000563e7405bf00 @http_version="1.1", @body_size=0, @chunked=false, @request_method="GET", @request_uri=#<Addressable::URI:0x2b1f3a02a830 URI:>, @request_query=nil, @request_absolute_uri=nil, @status_code=404, @reason_phrase="Not Found", @body_type=nil, @body_charset=nil, @body_date=nil, @body_encoding=#<Encoding:UTF-8>, @is_request=false, @header_item=[["Date", "Wed, 02 Mar 2022 06:18:25 GMT"], ["Server", "Nginx"], ["Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"], ["Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"], ["ipp-request-id", "579fbcb9-664a-414a-90ff-bf1b03db9ddf"], ["X-Content-Type-Options", "application/json"], ["Pragma", "no-cache"], ["X-Handled-By", "Acumatica-PX.Export/AuthenticationManagerModule"], ["Referrer-Policy", "origin-when-cross-origin"], ["VnfInstanceId", "ERP_SE_REAL_0019"], ["Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"], ["Cache-Control", "no-cache,no-cache"], ["Feature-Policy", "geolocation 'none'; vr 'none'; payment 'none'; midi 'none'; microphone 'none'; fullscreen 'none'; encrypted-media 'none'; camera 'none'; autoplay 'none';"], ["Expires", "-1"], ["X-XSS-Protection", "1;mode=block"], ["Set-Cookie", "UserDisplayName=; expires=Tue, 01-Mar-2022 06:18:25 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly"], ["Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"]], @dumped=false>) Previously, status = 200 was returned with empty data, as expected. Nothing in the documentation indicates otherwise. The release note about performance improvement in this endpoint yesterday maybe cause this problem?
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