There was a fix relating to rounding difference when you do not specify Vat details that was released in 8.89.0, this is under a feature toggle which we could activate for you. But the limit on decimals was introduced in 8.16.0.
As far as we can see, these are the only changes made to currency rounding differences.
Release notes 8.16.0:
Decimal precision for base currency Purchase invoices (AP301000) The decimal precision for the base currency setting is now set to max. 2 decimals.
Release note 8.89.0:
RoundingDifference omitted when using SupplierInvoice endpoint (POST)
Earlier, in some circumstances, the RoundingDifference amount was omitted when creating an invoice via the SupplierInvoice endpoint (POST). This has now been fixed, and the solution is under a feature toggle.
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