What I really want to do is to fetch all voucherrows that has been updated/inserted since a specific date and when I do this I want to get a few properties from the voucher at the same time. So I thought if I just run the two requests below I could then just join the result together. But if the parent voucher is not "updated" when the row is updated my approach wouldn't work. voucher/get-voucherrows?date=2024-10-15 voucher/get-vouchers?date=2024-10-15 I stumbled on a case where some rows doesn't have the same bookDate as the voucher. And in this case it looks lite the voucher was updated when rowNo 38 was altered. But I don't know if this always is the case // Voucher
"businessUnit": "6228",
"serie": "BF6228",
"vouNo": 2,
"voucherDate": "2021-08-06T00:00:00",
"updatedOn": "2021-08-06T17:11:16.45",
"yeaNo": 4,
"period": 8
// Voucher Row with same bookdate
"businessUnit": "6228",
"vouNo": 2,
"account": "1945",
"amount": 137257.82000000,
"foramount": 137257.82000000,
"altered": 2,
"bookDate": "2021-08-06T00:00:00",
"serie": "BF6228",
"rowNo": 38,
"year": 4,
"period": 8
// All other voucher rows on the same voucher
"businessUnit": "6228",
"vouNo": 2,
"account": "1110",
"amount": 218204281.00000000,
"foramount": 218204281.00000000,
"altered": 0,
"bookDate": "2021-06-01T00:00:00",
"serie": "BF6228",
"rowNo": 0,
"year": 4,
"period": 6
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