Status: Solved
Scope of issue: MLM API and WFM API, Endpoint: Sickleaves
Description of situation: When a sick leave dossier contain multiple partial recoveries, then the partial recoveries of the same percentages are undoubled and the reduced to only the latest partial recovery. This also includes the first sick leave day (100% sick).
Scope of issue:
Description of situation:
Changes on sick leaves are not available in the Sickleaves endpoint. This concerns all changes, for instances new sick leave, partial recovery or full recovery. Other endpoints are correct.
We are working on a solution.
Update 9-7-2024, 12:10 - We are fixing the issue. We expect that incremental load will be available in the next hours for all customer.
Update 9-7-2024, 13:00 - Incremental load is available for all customers.
First occurrence of issue:
07-07-2024, 5am
All customers using the MLM API and WFM API
Issue solved:
09-07-2024, 1pm