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Martin Bønnelykke Jensen

OCR for Document Center

av Martin Bønnelykke Jensen

We are using Visma Document Center and bought the OCR license, with the hope that it could help with some of the datainput for vendor invoices in PDF.

We have tried many times with and without help from 2 different partners, but it still doesn't work.

The only other company we know of that use Document Center, has also cancelled their OCR subscription.


How are your experiences with OCR for Visma Document Center?


NB. we are on version 15.10.4

2 SVAR 2

av Hans Börjesson

In general the OSR interpreter works well. To help you we need to have a support case through your Visma Business partner so we can investigate what the problem is.





Martin Bønnelykke Jensen

As I wrote, we already tried getting support from various partners without luck.

That's why I'm asking the other users what their experiences are with the OCR.

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