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Visma Net API - update/set inventory item's warehouse

av Kamal

Hi, we can not update or set "defaultWarehouse" parameter of inventory item in the api  which is "controller/api/v1/inventory" for both post and put end points. Response is successful yet value is not updating.


We are sending the value like this in the request and yes we already have Warehouse that Id=1


"defaultWarehouse": {
      "value": "1"
Any idea how to solve it ?
3 SVAR 3

av Maria Tufvesson

Hi Kamal,

If you are a certified integration partner you should  post any questions regarding integrations and Visma.net API in our Developer Community, here


If not, you are welcome to contact us regarding integrations at vismanetisv@visma.com

Maria Tufvesson
Visma Software AB

av Kamal

Hi Maria,

Thanks for responding. I don't think I've integration partner status. How can I get that? as I first tried posting at the Developer forum, but I wasn't allowed to start the topic in there. I'll appreciate any help in resolving the above issue we are having as we are kind of stuck with this.



av Maria Tufvesson

Hi Kamal,

Please contact us at vismanetisv@visma.com with information of your company name and what you want to integrate with Visma.net.

Maria Tufvesson
Visma Software AB

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