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Gabriella Hennings

500 error creating salesorder v3 when ordeline unitprice = 0

by Gabriella Hennings


the API returns 500 with no response message error when you try to create an order and one or more orderlines har unitprice = 0.0 


this orderline object returns 500 and no error message. same error if I remove the column:


"inventoryId": "XXX911",
"description": "Gratis Signaturpåse",
"unitOfMeasure": "STYCK",
"quantity": 1.0,
"unitPrice": 0.0,
"warehouseId": "1",
"taxCategoryId": "99",
"discountAmount": 0.0


if I change the price like this it works and the order gets created: 


"inventoryId": "XXX911",
"description": "Gratis Signaturpåse",
"unitOfMeasure": "STYCK",
"quantity": 1.0,
"unitPrice": 1.0,
"warehouseId": "1",
"taxCategoryId": "99",
"discountAmount": 0.0


I have tried in the GUI and it is possible to create an order when the price = 0.

And you must be able to add items "free of charge" through the API, it's not a problem in the old API.

Best regards
Gabriella Hennings
Cloud Connection AB
Accepted solution
Joni Wolff

by Joni Wolff
Gabriella Hennings

This has appeared as an issue again? but this time I get error and inventory not found?


Best regards
Gabriella Hennings
Cloud Connection AB
Joni Wolff

by Joni Wolff (Updated ‎29-03-2023 21:58 by Joni Wolff VISMA )


This is a bug, I can reproduce the error. The issue seem to be with unitPrice and discountAmount both containing 0, where the calculation for some reason fails.

We will try to get a fix out during tomorrow. Until then, you can either exclude the "discountAmount" element, or set it as "discountAmount": null