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Accessing landed costs on a supplier invoice through the API?

by KonsultVn

On a supplier invoice in, if the vendor is marked as a vendor for landed costs, we have a tab for landed costs. When we look in the api documentation, we see endpoints for supplier invoices but I don't see any possibility to access this tab and use it through the API, as it is possible in the UI. 


Is it possible to access this tab and connect the invoice to a Receipt via the API, and if so how? If not, is it something that is coming and if so, when can we expect it to be possible through the API?


by Yıldırım (Updated ‎30-05-2023 14:08 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Hi, currently "LandedCost" tab is not exposed via Supplier Invoice Endpoint. If you'd like to get this DTO extended, please create this in the Ideas sction by specifying the request details (what operation, request flow etc) so that this will be reviewed by the development team. 

Purchase invoices.jpg
