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AdjdRefNbr '000085' cannot be found in the system

by Thomas Adrian - Consili (Updated ‎02-02-2021 13:45 by Yıldırım VISMA )

I am posting a payment using /CustomerPayment for an invoice and the first time I post it is added to VN.  The second time I post the same json I get this error from VN

AdjdRefNbr '000086' cannot be found in the system. is this a way for VN to say that the paymentref number i already added??


I noticed that the payment is added as status 'Balanced' in VN, how can I add it as Open or Closed?


In swagger it says that CashAccount and ApplicationPeriod is mandatory, but I can send in null for these values, I am fine with that but I think swagger should be updated.

Mandatory field: The top part > Financial period* > The financial period to which the payment should be applied, which the system fills in based on the date.

Mandatory field: The top part > Cash account* > The default cash account associated with the payment method.



  "type": { "value""Payment" },
  "hold": { "value"false },
  "applicationDate": { "value""2020-11-16T00:00:00" },
  "paymentRef": { "value""135" },
  "customer": { "value""10003" },
  "location": { "value""Main" },
  "currency": { "value""SEK" },
  "paymentAmount": { "value": 44.00 },
  "invoiceText": { "value""86" },
  "paymentLines": [
      "documentType": { "value""Invoice" },
      "refNbr": { "value""000086" },
      "amountPaid": { "value": 44.00 }


Accepted solution
Thomas Adrian - Consili

by Thomas Adrian - Consili

This post have two questions, a bit confusing maybe,  lets make this clear!


Q1. AdjdRefNbr '000085' cannot be found in the system

Solution: this happens if you try to post a customer payment on a closed invoice


Q2. The error "Inserting 'Customer payment' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.
Error: Customer ledger account '5439' cannot found in the system. Check whether you have access rights to this object.

Solution:  The reason for this error was because the recievable account set on the customer was set as a "likvidkonto" 



by Magnus Johnsen



Yes, you are note able to use the same paymentReference twice. The api follows the same rules as the UI:

Create a payment:

2020-11-17 11_04_44-Customer payments.png


Trying to create another payment, setting the same reference:

2020-11-17 11_09_04-Customer payments.png


To change the status, you need to release the payment:

2020-11-17 Integrations Documentation.png


The status is set depending on the outstanding amount of the document the payment is applied to:

  • Balanced:
    The credit and debit totals are equal for the newly created customer ledger and it can be released.
    To change the status of the document to Balanced, clear the Hold check box.
  • Open:
    The document is released, but the application amount is less than the payment amount.
  • Closed:
    The document has been released and closed (application amount is equal to the payment amount).

If the amount is payed in full it goes to closed after releasing:

2020-11-17 11_12_32-Customer payments.png


FinancialPeriod and Cash account are mandatory, however, if omitted they are filled in with the default value, for period it will be the current financial period. For cash account it is the customers default payments default cash account:

2020-11-17 11_16_46-Payment methods.png



Another question, it seem that VN does not accept overpayments, when the payment amount is bigger than the invoice amount, is this a setting or how can I get pass that?


{"message":"VismaId: d6252648-7db3-4c5d-8983-1aeb910f6d9f. Error creating payment Error: Inserting 'Applications' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.\r\nIncorrect value. The value to be entered must be less than or equal to 15.0000.\r\n"} ===


You can use the CustomerPayment type "payment" for applying payments to documents with a total of the same amount or above(in this case the remainder will be available to apply a payment to later), if you want to add more to the customers balance, use the "prepayment" type.

This document will stay in the status open if you have released it with applied documents with a total of a lower amount.


For questions regarding how the ERP works, we would recommend that you head over to the EPR part of the forum:


Hello Magnus


You said:

You can use the CustomerPayment type "payment" for applying payments to documents with a total of the same amount or above(in this case the remainder will be available to apply a payment to later), if you want to add more to the customers balance, use the "prepayment" type.

Is the above  statement really correct, I am using customer payment but I can't insert an amount above the invoice balance? 


How can I send in a payment where the amount is above the invoice balance?



The "payment" type customerPayment can be applied to a invoice with a total of the amount in the payment or above it, meaning that some of the invoice still needs to be paid.

So if the invoice has a total of 1000, the payment type can be used if the amount of the payment is below 1000 or 1000.

If you want to add a payment with a higher value than the attached invoices, you need to use prepayment. 

Thanks, I get it now!


All payments that I send in today is of type Payment, and they are added to VN with status balanced. If I change the type to Prepayment will the status be the same?



This might be helpful, ERP Online Documentation - 

The status before release should be the same if that is what you are asking.

I get this error msg when posting to prepayment, what can be tha cause of that?


20201218_085554 Error VismaId: 300d6b32-f222-4fe3-971c-345ae48fdd32. Error creating payment Error: Inserting 'Customer payment' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.
Error: Customer ledger account '5439' cannot found in the system. Check whether you have access rights to this object.


The reason for this error was because the recievable account set on the customer was set as a "likvidkonto" 


The error from the API "account 5439" must be something internal that the API returns because that account number does not exist.  




It's hard to say without JSON, the customers default accounts and so on. Please try to create the same payment in the UI manually, you should be able to see what causes the issue.