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by Jaakko1

Started integrating ERP to our systems as a new ISV partner. Unfortunately got stuck with the authentication and hopefully get quick help with this way.

I have created application to the developer portal. However the integration is still in pending mode after several days. Is it the reason why I can’t get the authentication token?

We need easy server to server -authentication and I made POST query to the endpoint

With following request

grant_type -> client_credentials
scope -> vismanet_erp_service_api:read
client_id -> isv_logitrail
client_secret -> "this is the one from the developer portal"
tenant_id -> "I took this from the customer settings, but I am not sure if that is the right one."

Response was 400 and {"error":"invalid_scope”}. What could be wrong?

I think it has something to do with the scope and tenant_id. What scope should be and how I can get right tenant_id from the customers account to use with the ”application”?

How long the API will stay in the pending mode?


by Jaakko1

Thanks! This clarified the first problem. Now I try to get the tenant id for the customer envinronment but can't succeed.


I have got an invitation code for the app.


Now, when I am in the "My apps" in the Visma App Store I get the following error "Users with administrative rights can manage applications permissions to access organization data." although I have set all possible rights for the user logged in.


So what rights exactly users should have or can there be any other settings that denies the possibility to add an app?


by Yıldırım

Tenant ID can be seen by the Financials ERP Company user (customer) in the App Store, after its role has been assigned.
Please see the following sections in the  
Getting started with Visma Developer Portal


3.4 How to assign “App Store: Integration Administrator Role"
3.6 Get the Company / Organizationʼs “Tenant ID”



by Yıldırım

Hi, this is due to your application hasn't been approved in the portal yet. The integration request should be approved soon, then you can retry the token request.

For more information, please review the Developer Portal ERP API Developer Portal Startup Guide