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Error updating (emptying) Parent Account of customer

by René van Reekum



We ran into the following situation: a customer/debtor has earlier been given a Parent Account either through the UI or through an API call.


At some point we'd like to empty the parent account field of this customer record by setting a null value, using: 

PUT /controller/api/v1/customer/{customerCd}




"parentRecordNumber": {
"value": null



This will fail, and the following error is received:


"message": "By activating this setting, invoices created from orders will be sent to the parent customer. Invoice related settings will be collected from the parent customer. See the help for details. Do you want to activate this setting?"



Result: the Parent Account value is not removed.


After some trial and error we noticed that when we first manually remove the Parent Account through the UI, then afterwards all PUT calls succeed. 

So then we can:

- set a new value through API

- use null to empty the value


- set a value manually

- use null to empty the value


The above behaviour we see both in our client's company as well as in a test company of our own.


Thank you for you advice in this.


by Yıldırım


we confirm that currently we're unable to remove the value of the assigned Parent Customer account via PUT Customer Endpoint.

This will be reported to the development team to identify whether this can be implemented. 

Hello Yildirim,

Ok, hopefully this can be done, thank you for the feedback!

by Yıldırım

Hello Rene, we'll test the scenario and inform you accordingly