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Sigbjørn Eide

Error when creating Purchase Receipt for Suppliers with different Currency

by Sigbjørn Eide



Creating a Purchase Receipt for a Supplier that use a different Currency than your default returns the following error:

"Error creating purchase receipt. Error: Inserting  'Purchase receipt' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors. The currency 'EUR' of the pay-to vendor '50002' differs from currency 'NOK' of the document."


Sending the curreny in the request does not help either. It seems like this field has no effect?


Endpoint: /controller/api/v1/PurchaseReceipt POST


Simple example request to reproduce the problem for a supplier with different currency:

    "supplierId": {
    "receiptType": {
    "currency": {

by Magnus Johnsen



Could you please try to set the "Enable currency overide" on the supplier and try again?


2020-08-20 15_28_18-Suppliers.png

Sigbjørn Eide

by Sigbjørn Eide

Thanks, that worked as a workaround. 


This means that this setting will have to be set for all suppliers using other currencies? Which actually removes the effect of the setting for suppliers with other currencies?



by Yıldırım (Updated ‎24-08-2020 10:51 by Yıldırım VISMA )



In Visma.Net Financials ERP, when supplier / customer have been set with a specific currency, this currency will be followed on the relevant processes. If intended operation has to be done with a different currency than what is assigned on the Supplier/Customer card then  "currency override" needs to be enabled.

Currency ID The currency that is used in operations with the supplier.
Enable currency override A check box that indicates (if selected) that currency overriding is allowed for individual documents.


If you need further information on this matter please contact relevant Financials ERP Support.

Sigbjørn Eide

Then we agree. This is how it should be, and I see that my first post might not have been clear enough on this matter. 


When creating a Purchase Receipt through the API with a supplier that have been set with a specific currency, you receive the previously mentioned error if the "Currency override" setting is not set. 


Our default currency : 'NOK'

Supplier 50002 currency : 'EUR'


POST to /controller/api/v1/PurchaseReceipt

    "supplierId": {
    "receiptType": {
Currency override ON: OK
Currency override OFF: "
Error creating purchase receipt. Error: Inserting  'Purchase receipt' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors. The currency 'EUR' of the pay-to vendor '50002' differs from currency 'NOK' of the document."
The document does not seem to inherit the currency from the supplier if the currency override setting is disabled.

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎24-08-2020 14:32 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Thank you for the clarification, we grasp the point that you've described. Indeed, there seems to be a bug with API. POST Purchase Receipt does not take the value into account what has been set on supplier currency field when currency override is disabled. Sending "Currency" field in the payload does not help either. POSTing a receipt with the same Currency what comes from the supplier should be applicable.

We've conveyed this issue to the development team. More information will be provided as it becomes available.

Just FYI(In terms of base logic, Purchase receipt firstly looks into Supplier's Currency field then it brings the value from there to the document.If Supplier's currency field is left empty, in that case it automatically retrieves the currency from Company "Base Currency ID" in Organizations module.(CS101500)

Accepted solution

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎10-11-2020 11:32 by Yıldırım VISMA )

The issue has been diagnosed by the team. More information about the case will be forthcoming.

[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.26 - 09.11.2020