to get a personalized navigation.
to get a personalized navigation.
We're trying to get a specific article price for a specific priceclass. But it doesn't seem like we have found it (is it possible?) yet.
Using "CustomerSalesPrice" to get a specific articles priceclasses doesn't give us the name of the priceclass itself, nor the name of any customers using that priceclass.
Using "customer" and checking "PriceClass" object will tell us which priceclass that customer has associated with it. But we have yet to find any way to use this value to find the articles in that priceclass and for that customer for example.
Using "Inventory" and retrieving an inventoryitem only tells us of a "PriceClassID" that isn't the name of any priceclasses that we have created.
So the question would then be. How exactly, if it is possible, would we go about getting a specific articles prices in a priceclass along with the name of that priceclass so we can identify which customer etc that price is associated with?
This can be inquired via GET > based on Sales Prices <ScreenId=AR202000>
"Sales Prices" can be created only with one of the following types,
Price Type | Price Code |
Base | Empty (Check ItemID) |
Customer | Customer ID |
Customer price class |
Customer Price Class ID |
In this way,
Then, if you'd like to get all the sales prices defined for the inventories, GET .../api/v1/customerSalesPrice without any filtering parameter will return the full list.
In addition to that, if you'd like to get the "Customers" only have "PriceClassID=xxx", unfortunately this is currently not exposed via the GET Customer endpoint. To be able to do that, "PriceClassID" should be added to the Customer endpoint as a filtering parameter.
If this is what you'd like to have, we recommend creating an improvement case in the "Ideas" section in the community.
Hello Jimmy,
could you please inform us about the specific module <screenID> / Built-in report etc. that is available in the Financials ERP UI if you can receive the data as requested ?
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