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Getting shipmentnumber/ordernumber that an invoice i connected to?

by Anders_Traventus

Are there any way of getting the shipmentnumber or the ordernumber that is connected to an customerinvoice? In the GUI its visible at row level och the invoice but I cant find any way, more than getting all orders of that customer and loop throw them, but that isn't very efficient.




by Magnus Johnsen


"InvoiceNbr" & "SalesOrderNbr" is exposed via GET "shipment" endpoint in "shipmentOrderLines":

 "shipmentOrderLines": [        {
            "orderType": "SO",
            "orderNbr": "000012",
            "shippedQty": 1,
            "shippedWeight": 0,
            "shippedVolume": 0,
            "invoiceType": "INV",
            "invoiceNbr": "000029"


In the backlog, we have a couple of cases that are connected to this:

  • Create a filter for "SalesOrderNbr" via the "Shipment" Endpoint
  • Expose the "Shipment" tab ("ShipmentNbr" & "InvoiceNbr") via "SalesOrder" Endpoint "READ"

Apart from this, the current situation is that "customerInvoice" is split in  two modules.

  • Invoices and Memos & Customer Invoice :

ScreenID=AR301000 - ARInvoiceEntry managing nonstock invoices

  • Logistic Sales Invoices:

ScreenID=SO303000 - SOInvoiceEntry managing stock and non-stock invoices
As of today,
Customer Invoice Endpoint is only able to fetch(GET) invoices from both pools yet unable to realize other listed functionalities for Sales-Logistic Component created invoices.


We have a request in the backlog for an endpoint for the logistic sales invoices as well. 

by Anders_Traventus



+1 for a filter on shipment and develop an logistic sales invoices endpoint too then. It is quite usual to have to refer what shipment/order that an invoice i connected to in ex EDI connections.

