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Inaccurate data results when using lastModifiedDateTime

by MarcusHedlund (Updated ‎12-12-2024 15:52 by MarcusHedlund )

Hi, We are experiencing a problem with data missing if its created to close to the time of the fetch request.


As an example,

We fetch Supplier invoices on a regular basis and we use the lastModifiedDateTime filter to only fetch new invoices since last time we checked. 

Sometimes we are not getting all of the invoices that are created since last fetch. 

Every time this has happened and we looked into this we noticed that the entities that are not fetched has a lastModifiedDateTime that is very near to the time of the request. Within 30 seconds every time.


A supplier invoice with "lastModifiedDateTime": "2024-12-09T07:59:45.327" was not fetched when doing the following request was done at "2024-12-09T08:00:05.244"


Other invoices with earlier lastModifiedDateTime was fetched in the same request.


This has happened on other endpoints/entities as well, for example JournalTransactions.


Is it to be expected that there could be differences between what lastModifiedDateTime says and whats actually fetched in a request when these two events happens close to each other?


I hope my explaination is understandable, if not im available to answer any questions.

