to get a personalized navigation.
to get a personalized navigation.
We have SaaS based system in which multiple client can connect their account with us.
Recently we faced issue, one of our client having 37,500+ products which need to sync with Duell system.
We are requesting 25 products at once with lastModifiedDateTimeCondition filter. After 80 pages we are getting blank response from API.
1. Is any API call restriction per minute? If yes then what is the limit.
2. Is API calls limit per client or for all client?
One empty result data:
{"date":["Sun, 12 Sep 2021 18:21:16 GMT"],"server":["Apache\/2.4.25 (Debian)"],"strict-transport-security":["max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains","max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"],"content-type":["application\/json; charset=utf-8"],"ipp-request-id":["b1deea43-3152-45b1-aba5-d9df12ecdad6"],"x-content-type-options":["application\/json"],"pragma":["no-cache"],"x-handled-by":["Acumatica-PX.Export\/AuthenticationManagerModule"],"referrer-policy":["origin-when-cross-origin"],"vnfinstanceid":["ERP_NO_REAL_0015"],"cache-control":["no-cache,no-cache"],"content-security-policy":["frame-ancestors * ec2amaz-hmnvkjh localhost"],"feature-policy":["geolocation 'none'; vr 'none'; payment 'none'; midi 'none'; microphone 'none'; fullscreen 'none'; encrypted-media 'none'; camera 'none'; autoplay 'none';"],"expires":["-1"],"x-xss-protection":["1;mode=block"],"set-cookie":["LegacyUI=0; path=\/; secure; HttpOnly,UserBranch=13; path=\/; secure; HttpOnly,Locale=TimeZone=GMTE0000U&Culture=en-GB; path=\/; secure; HttpOnly,LicenseRoles=; expires=Sat, 11-Sep-2021 18:20:16 GMT; path=\/; secure; HttpOnly,UserDisplayName=; expires=Sat, 11-Sep-2021 18:20:16 GMT; path=\/; secure; HttpOnly"],"content-length":["0"],"connection":["close"]}
1. Is any API call restriction per minute? If yes then what is the limit.
2. Is API calls limit per client or for all client?
Yes, there is a limit, the limit is 15000 calls/hr per company.
If you would have reached it, you would have received a response with HTTP status code 429.
You can read about the throttling limit here:
Why am I receiving "HTTP 429 - Too many request / throttling" response from API ?
Regarding the issue without the response, what status code are you receiving on your response?
Are you having issues with any other endpoint for this client?
Could you please also send us your client ID as well as the company ID of the client that is having issues.
Ok thank you for the information.
It is your API client ID we need, the client ID you use to generate a token.
Perfect, thank you.
We'll open a case with the development team and let you know when we have received more information.
We've sent you an email, please have a look at it and send us the reply.
Thank you so much for kind help.
We are planning to implement event subscription logic. Before implementing this, I have few queries.
Lets take example of same client, if client will update tons of products(30000+) at once then What happen. Visma send event for all products at once or in chunks or one by one in queue with some delay.
Because we need to control our server to not reserve all the capacity for one specific client.
It works like this:
The update is done in the ERP -> The ERP sends a message to an internal tool -> This tool sends a message to Message Router -> Message Router puts the message in the VNI queue -> VNI processes the message and if a subscription exists it sends the webhook.
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