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Inventory endpoint, getting spaces in warehouseID

by Steinar Møller

We have discovered that warehouseDetails on Inventory endpoint returning the warehouseId with ending spaces in some clients,
Testing with "/controller/api/v1/inventory/{inventoryNumber}" returning no spaces:


under /controller/api/v1/inventory  returning this on the same item:

"warehouse""2                             ",

In UI there are no spaces on the warehouse.

Belive this is a bug?



by Yıldırım

Hei Steinar, I've managed to reproduce the trailing space issue. It appears to be happening with the newly created Warehouses, perhaps something change between the versions. Unfortunately, I don't have information about the exact version / date. However, this has now been reported to the team. 


by Yıldırım

Hi Steinar, 


I've checked the scenario, and Warehouse IDs listed under the warehouseDetails don't have any trailing spaces in my company. 


Visma.Net API.jpg

Could you share your transaction details and printscreen from the UI showing the field ? 

Hi Yildrim,

Sorry for late reply
In UI for warehouse = 2

And this for Warehouse=1



Getting this in API



As you can see warehouse 1 is without spaces and warehouse 2 getting ending spaces. In UI the set up is the same.





Hi Steinar, 


do you know how "2" warehouse has been created ? Also, could you try to override ID and replace it back to "2" via actions ? 


Getting this


I have also tested with a demo client and getting the same resultat in API with ending spaces for Warehouse 2.

You should first edit it as e.g. 3 then update it again with 2. 
Do you have information on how they've created the Warehouse:2 ? 

I have tryed that now, first changed to 3 and back to 2, but getting the same problem with ending spaces. 
I am not sure about how it is created, I think it just created as normally, and as we can see, the same issue is on other clients as well.
As mentioned above the problem is on /controller/api/v1/inventory,  when using this /controller/api/v1/inventory/{inventoryNumber} there are no ending spaces.  

Alright, can you send the companyIDs those you're having the trailing spaces ? 

by Yıldırım

Hi Steinar, most likely trailing space issue on the field so yes can be considered as a bug. We'll check it out and report accordingly. Thanks for the info !