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/Inventory - pagination

by andreasaulin



Forced pagination for inventory endpoint - is this still postponed? Ref. Release notes 8.21 (It looks like it..)


It's not a problem for us, but it's a bit inconsistent, especially as this is an endpoint with potensial to return a lot of records


by Steinar Møller



Any news on this?
This is beginning to be a pain, we understand that the new method for pagination at Inventory enpoint still is not supportet?
The endpoint have really slow performance, when cathing 100 and 100 it takes 20.30 sec for each call. For one of the client it used 25 minutes to get the list with changed inventory, Without paging it takes 3 minutes. 

What is status on this case?


We have asked the development team for another update on this case.

We recommend that you lift this with your partner service as well.

by Trygve Storrønningen1

This is a big pain for us -- and our common customers with you Visma. 

This need to be fixed -- in the very near future.

Accepted solution

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎31-08-2020 11:04 by Yıldırım VISMA )


Pagination enforcement is still pending for the Inventory Endpoint due to a bug that our development team still working on.  (Inconsistency between Metadata(totalCount) and returned dataset record number on GET Inventory API Call while using "Attributes" Parameter )


Information about planned enforcement for 8.25 version can be found at : Enforcement of pagination on API endpoints and change of maxPagesize - September release (8.25)


Do you have any news for pagination on Inventory endpoint? We experience increasing timeouts when customers do major updates on their inventory.


The issue is still with the development team, we have asked for more information and will inform you as soon as we know more.


Thank you.