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Known issue: Unable to update "componentID" of an existing line of KIT Specification via API

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎30-03-2022 20:35 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Currently, we're unable to update "componentID" of an existing line of KIT Specification via PUT KIT Specifications Endpoint due to an error occurs in the Financials ERP UI. 

This error can be overridden in the UI if you click the save document button after the error message has been prompted, however this is not applicable via the API.

1) PUT Request: KIT Specification Endpoint{kitInventoryID}/{revisionID}
"stockComponentLines": [
"operation": "Update",
"lineNbr": {
"value": 3
"compInventoryID": {
"value": "2" // From "xxx" to "2"


2) Operation fails with HTTP:400 and returns the same error message


"message": "Error: An error in processing of field Component ID value 88 Inventory error: The component item must be unique for the specified kit across the component ID and sub item combinations."


that can be bypassed by clicking "save" button in the UI.


by erik-kle

Any updates on this? We have a new customer where this feature is necessary

by Magnus Johnsen


This was marked as fixed for v9.12. Are you still having issues with this?

by Yıldırım

This has been registered in the backlog. Updates will be provided as they become available.