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Steinar Møller

Missing field and actions SalesOrder API V3

by Steinar Møller


Missing fields and action in new salesorder API V3

It seems like the following is missing, will you please check and give us feedback?

  • "action/CreateShipment" 
  • order. "origOrderNbr" 
  • order. "salesPerson"
  • lines. "markForPO"  
Joni Wolff

by Joni Wolff


origOrderNbr, salesPerson, purchaseOrderSource and also project and projectTask are and have been available for a while now. I just wanted to come back on this to ask if there are still other fields/values that you are missing to be able to fully use the SalesOrder API V3?

Hi Joni,  for stock import from inventory V3 we also need the filters availabilityLastModifiedDateTime and availabilityLastModifiedDateTimeCondition implemented. This is from this case:

Joni Wolff

Thanks! This is in progress and can hopefully be released in the next coming weeks.

When we get action/createShipment on V3, we will be able to move more customers to V3.

We also need clearification on policy for how breaking changes will be introduced/handled in V3 from now till dec 2024

Joni Wolff

For the breaking changes we will follow the same guideline as what is today in the ERP API, i.e. latest 3 months before.

In the closest roadmap we have not planned to introduce createShipment in V3. Could you elaborate a bit more for why it is highly needed in V3? Is it, for example, for the easier use of the API through the sales process or expectation of better performance in that endpoint etc?

Joni Wolff

by Joni Wolff

Hi! Just for information we now have support for origOrderNbr and salesPerson. For action/CreateShipment we do not have any plans to introduce that in v3 for now.

Coming weeks the plan is to start with the markForPO and Projects functionality.



by Theis

Hi Joni, we can not get this to work, when ever we set the sales person ID, on the API call to create a sales order, it says ID does not exist. Same ID works fine in version 2.

Joni Wolff

by Joni Wolff

Hi! Sorry for the late reply. Is this still happening when setting the sales person in the call?


by Theis

Hi Joni, just tested and yes, we still have the same issue.






Joni Wolff

by Joni Wolff

Thanks for the update. Could you send me the companyID and the JSON by email( and I'll investigate.


by Theis

I just want to say that Joni has fixed the issue and that salesPersonId now works as intended for us.


by Theis

Just want to second Steinars request, to have these fields added. We are specifically missing the salesPerson field.

by Magnus Johnsen


We'll check this and get back to you.

Thank you. 

Magnus Vadla

I would like to add project and projectTask to the list of missing fields.

Project is on the Get SO, but task is missing from lines.

Neither of them are included in the Post/Patch endpoints.


Also as a side note, there is an extra comma causing a syntax error in the sample JSON for the Post salesorder endpoint


Joni Wolff

by Joni Wolff

Hi! Just to inform that the project and project task are not available in POST and PATCH


Is all of the features of the SalesOrder service implemented so that it should be possible to migrate from the old to the new?


It is vital that we know that the support is there before we dig to deep. Time is flying quickly and since we have multple customers that are affected by these changes (due to the new auth etc) we need to inform and implement our changes well before the deprication date.


We will not remove the possibility to use any of our current endpoints until they are functionally replaced. We are currently currently discussing how and when this transition will happen and will provide you with more information as soon as possible.


by adrianm

Whenever I have new project I try to use the V3 endpoint but it always fails because something is missing, most recently shipments, or it just doesn't work.


The missing stuff has improved the last month but it is still far from the promise "All functionality currently missing in the new Sales Order Service API will be added before these endpoints are removed."


I weekly deploy new stuff for customers I know I must redo in just over 2 months.