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New integrations with Sales Order API are not permitted?

by Gert-Jan van der Kamp



I'm trying to connect to the new Sales Order Service API (as we have an issue with the old one). As far as I understand it currently only allows client credential type logins. 


So I created a Service application, but when I try to add an integration to the SalesOrder api I get this message: 


Request ID: 469077bb-b8d2-41a6-aa95-88635a9e9763 New integrations with API are not permitted


Is it possible to test this API at the moment? 


by Gert-Jan van der Kamp

Almost there..


I have pushed the app to the app store as a invitation only and generated a code.

Now where can I enter this code in Visma to grant access to the api? the docs do not say. 


Accepted solution

by Magnus Johnsen


Could you please try again? I just created a new App on a private account and requested to integrate it the SalesOrder Api without any issues.

Regarding the credential type, yes the service type integrations use the "client credentials" flow. 

Just tried it again, same behaviour. When I hit 'Confirm Integration' I get a message in the top right that it has been created, but the wizard stays. 



Only when I close the popup do I see the error behind it: 



I also deleted it, recreated from scratch. Filled out all the details, generated secret etc. Same behaviour. 


It should have been accepted now.
We'll check with the team regarding PKCE, in general we are working towards unifying the authentication for NextGen salesOrder with the Visma Connect authentication for the regular API.


Yes it's approved thanks. We'll start trying it out. 


Indeed the JWT doesn't contain info about the flow it was authenticated with so it shouldn't be too hard to enable with an OIDC authority.. Would help us out, not comfortable with shipping username + password for a system level account to end users.. 

Accepted solution
Magnus Johnsen


Could you please try again? The issue should be resolved now.

Yes it's fixed I now see a pending integration. 


While I have you on the line, any word on PKCE auth against the new SalesOrder API? Is it on the backlog at all at the moment? 



by Magnus Johnsen


We'll check this out and get back to you.

Thank you.