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No credit verification when salesorder is created with salesorder end-point

by Roland van Belle - Consolit

We found out that no credit verification is done when a sales order is created via the API.


Have we overlooked a parameter? One of our customers now delivered goods to a customer with a creditstop. They found out when creating the invoice. The invoice get the status creditstop and can't be released.


For this customer it is a prio1 issue. Can somebody help us with this? Thank you in advance.


by Magnus Johnsen


Could you please explain your workflow when creating the salesOrder and the shipment from it?

After v8.43 updating a salesOrders hold status from "true" to "false" should trigger the status to go to "Credit Hold" instead of "Open".

Thank you very much for your very fast reply!

We don't create a salesorder with the status hold = True.


Do we have to create the salesorder with the salesOrders hold status = "true" and than change the salesOrder hold status to "false" to trigger the credit verification?


We'll test what ways you can control this, but "true" -> "false" should trigger the "Credit hold" status. 



Have you been able to test this?

Is the current "solution" to create orders with hold status true?

Accepted solution
Magnus Johnsen


For now the only way we have been able to trigger this is to set the hold status to true, and then set it to false before releasing, this should trigger the credit hold.