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Kjetil Ringstad

No webhook messages being sent after new year?

by Kjetil Ringstad (Updated ‎04-01-2021 10:34 by Kjetil Ringstad PARTNER )


Are webhook messages being queued?

It looks like no webhook messages are received from after new year.

The last messages were received 29.12 15:15


The events affected seems to at least be order change and shipment change



Accepted solution
Magnus Johnsen

by Magnus Johnsen

A fix has now been deployed, we will continue monitoring until all servers have picked up the change.

Please check in a short while and let us know if you are still having issues with this.

Thank you. 

by Magnus Johnsen

This is still being investigated:

by Magnus Johnsen


Could you please check if the notifications are being generated in the UI? 

In our local company they seem to be generated:

Kjetil Ringstad

by Kjetil Ringstad

The messages are generated in GUI, but they don't seem to be sent to the subscription endpoints after 29.12.20 15:15

by Magnus Johnsen

Thank you for checking this on your end, do you have an example company ID?

We'll report this to the teams and get back to you as soon as we have more information.

Kjetil Ringstad

by Kjetil Ringstad (Updated ‎04-01-2021 13:31 by Kjetil Ringstad PARTNER )

This is also confirmed by another partner/ISV and they have contacted Visma separately. We will need to provide an estimate for our customers on when they can expect this to work again. Please advise. 

by Magnus Johnsen

The information from that IS wa also added to the case. The team is still investigation this and might have found the issue. We'll let you know when we know more. 

Kjetil Ringstad

by Kjetil Ringstad

Thank you.

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