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Magnus Vadla

Print shipment confirmation sometimes returns 404

by Magnus Vadla



For one of our customers we have experimented a bit with this report. The default shipment confirmation report has been replaced with a template that takes a purchaseReceipt number as input instead of a shipment number. This client uses dropshipment receipts instead of regular shipments.


This works well most of the time, but ~5% of GET shipmentConfirmation calls return 404 "document with number 1234 could not be found".

We have not found a pattern behind this that distinguishes the failed ones from the rest. When we pull up the report in the UI and run it with one of the failed receipt numbers there it works fine.


Best regards,

Magnus Vadla

Magnus Vadla

by Magnus Vadla

I have a theory as to what might be happening here. Do you validate that the shipment exists before generating the report?

That would explain why it works if there happens to exist a shipment with the same number as the receipt we are providing.

Magnus Vadla

by Magnus Vadla

As soon as the receipt has been released. I also experimented with a 30 seconds delay, but the issue persisted.

by Yıldırım

I see, could you send your API Client ID & Company ID to, so we'll check the logs in detail 


Magnus Vadla

by Magnus Vadla

Sorry for the delay. I just sent an email with three examples



by Yıldırım (Updated ‎13-12-2022 09:52 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Hello Magnus, 


how long after are you making printShipmentConfirmation request, after dropshipment receipts created ?