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Problem with scopes in Visma App Store

by PPaavola


I have problem to activate new scopes for our application.

I made changes to our registered app in the developer portal.
We had the SalerOrder API integration already added, I added the integration for the ERP Service API. After the new integration was approved, I tried to make changes to the app's scope in the App store.
The App store only accepts the scopes of the SalesOrder API as active, if I try to activate the scopes of the ERP Service API, an error message appears. (ERROR_INVALID_SCOPE)
What could be causing this?



Accepted solution
Magnus Johnsen

by Magnus Johnsen


Could you please have a look at the scopes you have set in the developer portal:
2023-02-21 14_06_24-Visma Developer Portal - Brave.png

Be aware that for the moment, the Nextgen SalesOrder and the Financials ERP API are not using the same tokens.

So you need to set up a tokenHandler for both API's.

We are working on unifying them both. 


by PPaavola

Thank you for your reply,

In Developer portal, both application scope selections say "This API has no scopes left for a new integration." because everything is already activated.


If the APIs use different tokens, that explains why I can't get the scopes to activate in the App Store. I couldn't find this information in the documentation.
Any estimate of when the APIs use the same token?