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Sigbjørn Eide

Problems with access to ReportId when getting ShipmentConfirmations

by Sigbjørn Eide



We have a problem with getting ShipmentConfirmations through the API at one of our customers. This is usually fixed by making sure the correct permissions is given to the integration user, but it does not seem to fix the issue this time.


Endpoint: v1/shipment/{shipmentNumber}/printShipmentConfirmation

Error response:

500 Internal Server Error


    "message""VismaId: eaada5b7-4cac-4000-9754-be0eb96889e4. You do not have enough rights to access SO64200S."
Any idea of what could be wrong here?
Sigbjørn Eide

by Sigbjørn Eide

Thanks for the suggestions. These roles were already selected and disabling/enabling had no effect. Was solved in the end by enabling the "Full system access" (named in norwegian "Full systemtilgang") role. As far as I can tell, this is an old role that does not exist in newer setup, but is necessary if you have quite an old setup.

Hi Sigbjørn, thank you for letting us know. 

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎26-09-2022 11:08 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Hi Sigbjørn, 


Could you please control if the user has the following roles ?




by Magnus Johnsen


It seems this issue occurs when the user does not have "Sales Administrator" applied among their roles.

If the user already has it, could you please try to remove it, save, add it, save again and then try to print the confirmation again?

This worked on our end. 

Thank you.