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Florian Haase

Problems with placing POReceipts on Invoices when POReceipt Line - Amount is negativ

by Florian Haase



we have a serious problem here: 

the plan is to import PurchaseReceipts from 3. party system and place these collected by supplier and location on invoices.


Hereby the lines will contain some positiv transactions (quantity>0 and amount>0) and some negativ transactions, we thought to handle this with quantity>0 and amount<0


We have tested to place these receipts on invoices and this works nice in UI:

invoiceINUI.PNG When it comes to the API, that won't work. Following json:

{"documentType":{"value":"Invoice"},"supplierReference":{"value":"66992c3e-94bc-4d14-beb3-96236f39b2c7"},"supplierNumber":{"value":"50000"},"locationId":{"value":"LOKASJON 2"},"addPOReceiptLines":[{"poReceiptNumber":{"value":"000553"},"poReceiptLineNumber":{"value":1}},{"poReceiptNumber":{"value":"000553"},"poReceiptLineNumber":{"value":2}},{"poReceiptNumber":{"value":"000553"},"poReceiptLineNumber":{"value":3}}]}


will return following error:

"{\"message\":\"Error creating supplierInvoice. The PO Receipt Line with order number 000553 and line number 1 doesn't exist in the look-up table.\"}"


thats actually a critical problem in our case - what can we do?



by Magnus Johnsen


Could you please check this in the UI again, is it still possible to perform the same operation that you want to perform in the UI?

If so, to be able to test this we would need to see and recreate the POReceipt. Could you please let us know what is in the receipt, and if you have done anything special with it. 


Thank you. 

Florian Haase



to get around this we now decided to build the whole transfer routine from Receipt to invoice by ourself. That gives us in addition som more other advantage and than its not so critical to get a solution at once. 


But I think my screenshot is showing quite exactly what we try to do. We have a receipt where one line has a price and amount that is negative. 


Pressing the button "Add PO Receipt" in the UI works perfectly. All the 3 lines are transfered. But you are right: the button "Add PO Receipt Line" in the UI does only shows line 2 and 3. That does not make sence. But thats maybe the cause why the API failes too? And the functionality for "Add POReceipt" is missing in the API. 


As mentioned - we have just to develop this by ourself. The only thing we are missing than is the possibility to click on the Receipt number from the invoice but thats just the way it is...









Florian Haase

And: than we also have solved the timing problem... (from the other post)