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Reacting to CustomerPayments

by jnemo

Scenario: A new CustomerPayment is matched to existing CustomerInvoice. Our integration reacts to this (somehow) and requests the Customers last CustomerInvoice.


So, is there a way for me to get a callback when this happens? Event arinvoice_changed does not seem to be triggered by balance change/matched payment/new application, atleast not right out of the box. And event customer_changed is not triggered on Customer balance change.


Maybe there is a way to trigger by the payment account used? Or somehow via Customer balance? I just need a way of knowing which Customer or which Invoice is involved when a new CustomerPayment pops up.

Accepted solution

by Yıldırım

by jnemo

Super. This solves multiple use cases on our end. Thank you

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎04-11-2021 12:09 by Yıldırım VISMA )

We can for sure check the situation once it has implemented and see if it's the most plausible solution, otherwise we can still look for the alternatives 🙂 

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎26-10-2021 17:44 by Yıldırım VISMA )

@jnemo wrote:

But if that's the only thing available right now then I can use the hook for Closed Invoices and poll at some longer intervals for the complete list. It should get us most of the way there.


This is <webhook notification "eventType":"arinvoice_changed" for the Customer Invoice when the invoice has been closed with a payment  > currently under development assessment process. This will be announced in the "News" section of the community once the release plan has been finalized.


If you also have another suggestion for the implementation of a new event_type with a different approach, please feel free to inform us about its details, such as describing the desired Module / Process from the Financials ERP UI & Event_Type details. 


Thanks !


by jnemo

Ok, thanks. Until then I'll have to poll at shorter intervals. And later replace it with a less frequent poll-hook combination.


I read that you also have been investigating throttling options going forward so I just hope these types of hooks will be implemented before any strict throttling. Or our integration might fall flat on its face 😛


I'll go over some details on our next dev-meeting and propose you one, possibly two events. I take it you want that in the Ideas section.

by Yıldırım


Reference to context: New throttling policy is in the planning stage: "Concurrent Requests Limit Policy"

@roy_muller wrote:

The "restrictive limit" we are talking about here is to limit the number of concurrent/simultanious/parallel requests for the same client/tenant combo. This limitation won't affect anyone that is not issuing a lot of concurrent requests for the same company.


by jnemo (Updated ‎26-10-2021 16:39 by jnemo )


by Yıldırım



would "a webhook notification sent when the Customer Invoice status changed to "Closed" after it's being paid via the Customer Payment" be useful for the case you've mentioned ? 


by jnemo

Not on its own. Our customer very much wants to support partial payments of Invoices. And that they can happen at very different times. They have a somewhat unique customer base and business model.


But if that's the only thing available right now then I can use the hook for Closed Invoices and poll at some longer intervals for the complete list. It should get us most of the way there.