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SalesOrder V3 Discount problem

by sallbergerik

When attempting to create a new sales order in v3 for a customer who has a discount associated with them, you receive the following error:

"Setup ApplyQuantityDiscountBy ' ' is not valid for discounts calculations. Please review the setting in screen AR101000".

Even if you set a value in AR101000, the problem persists.


To work around this, you can set a value for "DiscountAmount" or "DiscountPercentage" on the order line.


In v1 and v2, you didn't need to set any value for these; Visma automatically calculated the discount. This was more convenient as you didn't have to retrieve any discount for the customer before creating the order.


Is this change intentional or is it a bug? Is it possible to have it as before, where you don't need to set "DiscountAmount" or "DiscountPercentage"? I would appreciate it!

Accepted solution

by Yıldırım

Hello Erik,
once the setting that is referred to is set in UI, it will take approx. 1h before the caches are reset. After that the creation of orders with discounts shall work as normal, without having to set in the call the discountAmt or discountPercent.



by Yıldırım

Hello Erik, after reviewing the case in detail, we've registered this as a bug so that this shouldn't happen in the transaction. 
This has now been escalated, and we'll be working on that. 


By the way, have you tried the transaction again after configuration change ? 


by sallbergerik

Yes, it worked to create the sales order now when I tried!