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Set customer dunning letters (e-mail / print) via the API?

by Anonymous (Updated ‎02-02-2021 13:39 by Yıldırım VISMA )

I have a question about the Visma API.


In the screen with the details of the customer under the tab Invoice settings there is a section with Print and e-mail settings (the names can differ slightly because I'm using the Dutch version of ERP).


This section contains the following checkboxes:


- Send dunning letters via e-mail

- Print dunning letters


Looking at the DTO of the POST of a Customer in the API, I'm unable to find these options.


My question is, can we set these checkboxes using the API?

And if so, how can we accomplish this?


Screen AR303000 - dunning letters.png


by Magnus Johnsen


The easiest way to handle settings like this for customers, is to have customerClasses set up with them and then setting the class on the customer.

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by Anonymous (Updated ‎17-11-2020 17:32 ( )

Hi Magnus,


Thank you for the suggestion.


I suggested this as a solution, but apparently when you specify a customerClass, a lot of other settings wil reset to default values each time we would PUT a Customer.

Unfortunately this is not really an option for us.


Could this functionality be added to the API in the nearby future?

It would definitely come in useful for our client.


Kind regards,


Eddy Zeelen


Accepted solution
Magnus Johnsen

by Magnus Johnsen


You can post in the Idea's part of the forum.

This allows other users to vote for your suggestion which in turn affects the developments teams assesment process.

However, we are not able to specify a timeframe for any improvement requests, this all depends on the workload, backlog and priorization of the respective development teams.


Have a nice day!