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Webhooks not received or very delayed

by Kimmelim



I got a complaint from a customer that webhooks for sales orders from Visma was very slow.


I tested this on 2 sales orders, first creating a webhook on both orders by changing the order status. Then I created a webhook from a custom Automation Action on both orders to create the last 2. 

Sent from Visma: 12:57:22 - Not received

Sent from Visma: 12:58:31 - Received 13:04:40

Sent from Visma: 12:59:26 - Not Received

Sent from Visma: 13:00:10 - Not Received


I also tested 1 webhook for customer.

Sent from Visma: 13:40:39 - Received 13:45:52


I can see from the /resources/v1/notification endpoint that the notifications are created right away, just not sent(or very delayed).


Is there an overall problem with the webhooks, or is this something specific for my customer?


We rely on webhooks for this integration to go fast, but every X minutes we check the /resources/v1/notification endpoint for webhooks that was not received by our system and handle them. We don't log notifications retrieved from the endpoint, so I don't have any numbers on how many we have handled before the webhook was received, or how many we did not receive at all.

Magnus Vadla

by Magnus Vadla

I have also noticed missing webhooks. Shipment events.