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When will the new auth be enforced?

by erik-kle

In communication with a customer where we notified that the auth will be changed and we have to get an app installed to continue with integrations after 1/6, the customer responded that another ISV had told him that the new auth will not be enforced before 31/12 2024. 

In my understanding 1/6 is the date for enforcing. Is that correct?

Accepted solution

by Yıldırım

Hello Erik, 


currently, we don't have any specific date planned for the enforcement, however we've internally raised this to clarify, then we'll be able to share information in detail. 


by erik-kle (Updated ‎11-05-2023 13:35 by erik-kle PARTNER )

Ok so there is no fixed date? Have 1/6 been communicated earlier? Because im certain i have heard that date along with the new auth, bur now i cant find any reference to it.

So neither new auth or transition to SalesOrder V3 will be enforced for 1/6? 

Edit: I now found this statement " In the current plan, we will start deprecating the old endpoints in 1st of June 2023." from this page

by Yıldırım

1/06 was announced for the SalesOrder V1 V2 Endpoints which has now been postponed: Move of breaking change Due date for Sales order v1 and v2