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Michel V

arinvoice_changed webhook creditnote and debitnote wrong resourceUri

by Michel V


The resource uri's for the creditnote and debitnote seem to be wrong. I expected just as with the "customerInvoice" webhook that the GetById uri is in the response. 

DebitNote, goes to the DRM endpoint which does not seem to exist

"resourceUri": "",

Creditnote, goes to the CRM endpoint which does not seem to exist

"resourceUri": "",


Marten Voort

by Marten Voort

Hi Michel, as discussed in local support portal, my test results are the same. The webhook returned for debitnote and creditnote contain incorrect resourceURI's (direct and relative). They contain values DRM and CRM which lead to an incorrect URI, that cannot be used. If you strip the DRM and CRM from the URI it will work, so this is now under investigation by our development. Thx for mentioning!