My Products

inventoryitem changed webhook notification not trigger

by kashyap

Webhook notification not trigger whenever  update cost price, Issue, Receipt, Adjust or Transfer the stock.
Is there any way to know whenever product stock or price fields changed? Changes may be at sales order, invoice or any actions happen on product.


by Suzdar Ibrahim

Hi Kashyap!


Is this something that worked before and suddenly stopped working?

These are all the available events on the webhook service:

        "eventType": "customer_changed",
        "name": "Customer changed",
        "description": "Triggered when a new customer was created or an existing one was updated"
        "eventType": "arinvoice_changed",
        "name": "ARInvoice changed",
        "description": "Triggered on status change or custom action"
        "eventType": "account_changed",
        "name": "Account changed",
        "description": "Triggered on changes of an Account entity"
        "eventType": "purchaseorder_changed",
        "name": "PurchaseOrder changed",
        "description": "Triggered on status change or custom action"
        "eventType": "shipment_changed",
        "name": "Shipment changed",
        "description": "Triggered after creation or confirmation of a Shipment"
        "eventType": "project_changed",
        "name": "Project changed",
        "description": "Triggered on changes of a Project"
        "eventType": "salesorder_changed",
        "name": "SalesOrder changed",
        "description": "Triggered on status change or custom action"
        "eventType": "inventoryitem_changed",
        "name": "Inventory Item changed",
        "description": "Triggered after creation or update of an InventoryItem"
        "eventType": "employee_changed",
        "name": "Employee changed",
        "description": "Triggered on changes of an Employee"
        "eventType": "supplier_changed",
        "name": "Supplier changed",
        "description": "Triggered after creation or update of a Supplier"

by kashyap

No its not working. Expected to work whenever product stock or any type of price getting changed via any operations?

by Suzdar Ibrahim



As far as I remember Inventory_item_changed event doesn't cover those changes but only inventory header values such as status, ID etc. 


by kashyap

Any API available which call every X interval with filter of lastModifiedTime so we can get only updated products?

by Suzdar Ibrahim (Updated ‎13-09-2024 12:06 by Suzdar Ibrahim VISMA )

Hi Kashyap,


Unfortunately we do not have a separate API for checking updated products. We only provide parameters on the endpoint itself which leaves the integrators to do the programming logic. However you can create a post on the idea forum 🙂





by kashyap

How we can keep product stocks and price upto date whenever its changed in visma? We need some way to make product stock/price to be same in Visma and Our system.