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Gabriella Hennings

strange characters in webbhook uri ?

by Gabriella Hennings



When we are using the weeb hooks for inventory, but the Uri which is returned in the weeb hooks message looks quite strange and will be diffult to work with. And it seems like it's only from the Uri where we can extract the inventorynumber? 


(when we check in the gui there is no extra characters in the inventory numer apart from the matter that it looks like visma is adding alot of spaces after the number. 


2021-07-02 13_12_59-Window.png

Best regards
Gabriella Hennings
Cloud Connection AB

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎02-07-2021 14:59 by Yıldırım VISMA )

based on financials company segment / numbering setup white & trailing spaces are encoded to "+" character in the "relativeResourceUri" & "resourceUri" after the inventory id. 

We have an improvement case registered in our backlog. However, this is currently not prioritized, we'll update the case and emphasize the issue once again.

  • Trim trailing spaces on the server side before sending the webhook notification.
  • Alternatively, return b64(xxxx) encoded values in the "relativeResourceUri" & "resourceUri" for the objects that contains reserved characters / White & Trailing spaces.

Currently, handling the trim method on the client side appears to be the only way to cope with the case.