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Henrik Lilleør


by Henrik Lilleør
Status: Declined

Today we have the possibility to create a Purcase Receipt through the API, but meanwhile there is no possibility to create a Transfere Receipt. Still more of our costumers are using TR orders to transfer products between their warehouses and stores, and don't want to log in to visma in the stores and register the transfer receipt but want to be able to register a transfer receipt just like they are able to register a purchase receipt through the API. My request is therefor to create the necessary API possibility to handle these Transfer Receipts. 


The transfer receipt is handled in the same window as purchase receipts PO302000, the difference is the document type. Where the purches reciept is handled as PoReceipt, the transfer receipt is TransferReceipt.







by Magnus Johnsen
Status changed to: Status: New


Are you having issues with this endpoint?

You should be able to set the type to "TransferReceipt" when posting:
2022-03-02 Integrations Documentation - Brave.png

Henrik Lilleør
by Henrik Lilleør

The endpoint works fine, and this idea is made by request of another developer firm, that wanted the specifik code that i linked, to be copyed and altered to handle Transfer Receipts specific. I will give them this update, and you can register this idea as closed. 


Thank you very much for the help. 

by Magnus Johnsen
Status changed to: Status: Declined

Already exposed via the PurchaseReceipt endpoint.