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Henrik Lilleør
PS: We also have a default AR Account on the customer class which we suspect is overriding our request segments.
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When trying to create a customer with a customer class where ‘Send invoices by Email’ is default true, we are experiencing problems with creating the customer. It’s a few customers that don’t have email, but we are unable to override the customer class default by setting ‘Send invoices by Email’ to false in the request for such cases. We thought we might be able to handle it with ‘OverrideWithClassValues’ to false by default for our requests but doesn’t seem to resolve the issue. As a secondary inquiry we are also having issues with setting the ‘CustomerLedgerSubaccount’ segments on creation. Resonse: {"message":"VismaId: 6fed418a-a0b3-47fd-887c-3769c51c1376. Error inserting the customer. Error: Inserting 'Customer' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.\r\nThe email address must be specified if 'Send invoices by email' is activated.\r\n"} Request: { "Number": { "Value": "123456789" }, "Name": { "Value": "Test A/S" }, "Status": { "Value": "Active" }, "OverrideWithClassValues": false, "CustomerClassId": { "Value": "7" }, "CreditTermsId": { "Value": "14" }, "PrintInvoices": null, "AcceptAutoInvoices": null, "SendInvoicesByEmail": { "Value": false }, "PrintStatements": null, "SendStatementsByEmail": null, "PrintMultiCurrencyStatements": null, "MainContact": { "Value": { "Name": null, "Attention": { "Value": null }, "Email": { "Value": null }, "Web": null, "Phone1": { "Value": "12345678" }, "Phone2": { "Value": null }, "Fax": null } }, "InvoiceContact": { "Value": { "Name": { "Value": "Test A/S" }, "Attention": { "Value": null }, "Email": { "Value": null }, "Web": null, "Phone1": { "Value": "12345678" }, "Phone2": { "Value": null }, "Fax": { "Value": null } } }, "GlAccounts": { "Value": { "CustomerLedgerAccount": null, "CustomerLedgerSubaccount": [ { "SegmentId": 1, "SegmentValue": "99" }, { "SegmentId": 2, "SegmentValue": "000" }, { "SegmentId": 3, "SegmentValue": "000" }, { "SegmentId": 4, "SegmentValue": "00000000" }, { "SegmentId": 5, "SegmentValue": "0000" } ], "SalesAccount": { "Value": "1010" } } }, "AttributeLines": [ { "AttributeId": { "Value": "AFDELING" }, "AttributeValue": { "Value": "99" } } ] }
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Exsitec Denmark has a customer with the same issue today. Were there ever found a solution for this problem? To be fare, it is old news for Visma now.
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1 Kudo
When you do a GET call on InventoryReceipt you get the Lot/Serial Number and the expiration date, but when you do the same call as a POST you dont get the option to enter allocation values. This seems to be a mistake and are crucial for customers with lot and serial numbers.
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Hey, We have a customer who needs this feature. When do you expect it to be released in What does it mean that it is in backlog, and are you active working on adding it to the API calls?
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If found a missing functionality in the API. When you wanna create a customer, it might be that the new customer already is registered as a supplier. That makes the need to use the function 'Exstend to customer'. This is a cool functionality in, but a functionality we are missing in the API.
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2 Kudos
We can't get past that some data needs to be validated in Visma. For this proces we would like to make a small program that does this automaticly, but need some endpoints exposed in the API. I have listet the windows belove: Validete Inventory ScreenId=IN505000 Validate Deferred Balance ScreenId=DR509900 Validate Customer Balances ScreenId=AR509900 Validate Vendor Payment Details ScreenId=AP50950S Validate Vendor Balances ScreenId=AP509900 Validate Account Balances ScreenId=CA503000 Validate Account History ScreenId=GL509900 It's basicly the same things we need exposed in all of them, which is 'Validate All', 'Validate', the "selector" so we can select which lines to run (or run all), and lastly (the reason Vismas own automation schedule doesn't work) we need the endpoint for the pop-up message that appears after you have pressed Validate All or Validate. We also need the endpoint for Warehouse, periodes and what else they are called in the different validation windows, exposed.
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Hey, I'm trying to make a small program which have to run the process 'Validate inventory' and other validation processes. Meanwhile i cant find the supportet API in swagger, so does anyone know if the API is exposed for this process?
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The endpoint works fine, and this idea is made by request of another developer firm, that wanted the specifik code that i linked, to be copyed and altered to handle Transfer Receipts specific. I will give them this update, and you can register this idea as closed. Thank you very much for the help.
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2 Kudos
Today we have the possibility to create a Purcase Receipt through the API, but meanwhile there is no possibility to create a Transfere Receipt. Still more of our costumers are using TR orders to transfer products between their warehouses and stores, and don't want to log in to visma in the stores and register the transfer receipt but want to be able to register a transfer receipt just like they are able to register a purchase receipt through the API. My request is therefor to create the necessary API possibility to handle these Transfer Receipts. The transfer receipt is handled in the same window as purchase receipts PO302000, the difference is the document type. Where the purches reciept is handled as PoReceipt, the transfer receipt is TransferReceipt.
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Activity Feed for Henrik Lilleør
- Posted Sv: 'Send invoices by email' unable to be set to false with CustomerClass default set to true on cre on Forum in Developers 01-11-2024 11:48
- Posted 'Send invoices by email' unable to be set to false with CustomerClass default set to true on create on Forum in Developers 01-11-2024 10:49
- Posted Sv: Webhook received multiple times on Forum in Developers 03-09-2024 15:58
- Got a Kudo for Inventory receipt Post expose Allocation. 17-06-2024 09:27
- Posted Inventory receipt Post expose Allocation on Ideas in Developers 17-06-2024 09:25
- Kudoed Term Start Date and Term End Date field to a sales order line for Rozhat. 13-05-2024 14:08
- Posted Sv: Expose "expand Inventory Summary by Lot/Serial Number" option & the fields via Inv on Ideas in Developers 17-11-2023 11:02
- Kudoed Expose "expand Inventory Summary by Lot/Serial Number" option & the fields via Inventory Summary API for Yıldırım. 17-11-2023 11:01
- Posted Extend to customer on Ideas in Developers 14-09-2023 11:52
- Kudoed Functionality to retrieve translated body for Nichlas Søgård Nielsen. 15-03-2022 08:34
- Got a Kudo for Expose API endpoint for Validate windows. 15-03-2022 08:13
- Kudoed Not possible to get translated body? for Nichlas Søgård Nielsen. 14-03-2022 09:51
- Got a Kudo for Expose API endpoint for Validate windows. 08-03-2022 13:06
- Posted Expose API endpoint for Validate windows on Ideas in Developers 08-03-2022 13:05
- Posted Sv: Validate data in on Forum in Developers 08-03-2022 11:55
- Posted Validate data in on Forum in Developers 08-03-2022 11:40
- Posted Sv: TransferReceipt on Ideas in Developers 02-03-2022 11:44
- Got a Kudo for TransferReceipt. 02-03-2022 11:15
- Got a Kudo for TransferReceipt. 02-03-2022 11:13
- Posted TransferReceipt on Ideas in Developers 02-03-2022 11:12