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IAM user endpoint
- 1 Antwoorden
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- 2413 Weergaven
User endpoint
The user endpoint supports the retrieval of users and to set an identity for a user, the following methods are supported as part of the users endpoint.
Allows retrieving a single employee based on employeeId for the tenant specified in the request header.
Supports the following parameter as part of the resource path:
employeeId - The unique id assigned to an employee
Returns a 200 OKwhen successful
Allows to update or set an identity for a specific user based on employeeId for the tenant specified in the request header.
Supports the following parameters as part of its request body:
id- Ping Id of the employee which is to be used for SSO
"id": "user@customer.com"
Returns a 204 No content when successful
Returns a 404 when the user account doesn't exists
Visibility of the change in Youforce portal
Please note that updating the identity through this endpoint
will update the identity in the Youforce authentication system
will NOT show the values in Youforce portal
Our authentication system is not running on the same service as the portal UI. The synchronization is just one way:
Changes done in the authentication system direct will not reflect in the Youforce portal UI
Changes done in this UI will reflect in the authentication system
This will be addressed in future, when we merge the two services.
Parameters |
Description |
Example |
Data type |
employeeId |
The unique id assigned to the employee by the HR Core |
12345 |
string |
id |
User id of the employee used in the Youforce authentication system |
c7e230db-2a7f-4ef0-ad1d-9d30e7d94a2f |
string |
sourceId |
Username of the user in the Youforce portal |
XX123456 |
string |
identityId |
UPN/Identity in the customer authentication system that takes care of authentication |
user@customer.com |
string |
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@René Sanders is bovenstaande informatie nog steeds actueel? Is een dmv de API gevulde Identity nog steeds niet zichtbaar in Youforce portal? En zo nee, hoe kunnen we dan controleren of e.e.a. naar wens verloopt?