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[Release Notes] - Sales Order Service API

by TGB

Yesterday we deployed a new version of the Sales Order Service API to production.


Release Notes Description
Support for use of Replacement cost We have now implemented support for setting the replacement cost of a line, which is based on the supplier price, suppliers last cost and items last cost. Replacement cost is set by the system and by using the useReplacementCostForProfitAndMargin option, one can determine which cost to use in the margin and profit and total cost calculations for the order. With the option activated the replacement cost of the order lines are used and with the option off the unit cost of the lines are used.
Support for Profit and margin We now implemented support for setting the unit cost of a line. Unit cost can be set in POST, else it is set automatically by the system.
Unit cost is also included in GET.
With the unit cost set for the order line(s), the total cost of the order and the margin and profit of an order will now be set for orders created from the API.
To use the unit cost of the lines for the total cost of the order, the option 'useReplacementCostForMarginAndProfit' should be false.


If you are new to the neXtGen services, please look at the Getting started with the first neXtGen service: ERP Sales Order API for an introduction.