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[Release Notes] - Sales Order Service API

by apiUserVismanetDev (Updated ‎04-05-2022 15:59 by TGB )

We have deployed a new version of the Sales Order Service API to production containing under the hood stuff to improve the quality and prepare for the future.


Release Notes Description
Error when trying to create shipment for order Previously when trying to create a shipment for a order, you got the error: "Order does not contain any items planned for for shipment". This has now been fixed and shipment can now be created for the orders.
Support for adding item with alternate ID's

We have added support for adding inventoryId to a order line based on alternate ID's.
If no item is found in the company based on the internal item ID, the system will search for item based on alternate ID's. If a match is found, the item is added to the line.

If a item has been set to the order line based on a alternate ID, the used alternate ID we will shown in GET/api/v3/SalesOrder/{type}/{orderId}/lines in the field alternateId


If you are new to the neXtGen services, please look at the Getting started with the first neXtGen service: ERP Sales Order API for an introduction.

We had some issues with picking the release notes, so had to add them manually - sorry for the updates on this community post.