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[Release Notes] - Sales Order Service API

by apiUserVismanetDev


Release notes
Support for ROT & RUT The following fields and/or endpoints have been added related to ROT/RUT functionality GET/api/v3/SalesOrders/{type}/{orderId}/lines & GET/api/v3/SalesOrders/{type}/{orderId}/lines/{lineId} - isRotRutDeductible - rotRutWorkType - rotRutItemType - rotRutDeductibleAmount GET/api/v3/SalesOrders/{type}/{orderId}/rotrut - totalDeductibleAmount - otherCostAmount - materialCostAmount - workPriceAmount POST/api/v3/SalesOrders - isRotRutDeductible - orderLines - isRotRutDeductible - rotRutDetails - type - rotRutDetails - distributedAutomatically - rotRutDetails - apartment - rotRutDetails - estate - rotRutDetails - organizationNumber - rotRutDetails - distribution - personalId - rotRutDetails - distribution - amount - rotRutDetails - distribution - extra POST/api/v3/SalesOrders/{type}/{orderId}/lines - isRotRutDeductable PATCH/api/v3/SalesOrders/ - isRotRutDeductable - rotRutDetails - type - rotRutDetails - distributedAutomatically - rotRutDetails - apartment - rotRutDetails - estate - rotRutDetails - organizationNumber - rotRutDetails - distribution - personalId - rotRutDetails - distribution - amount - rotRutDetails - distribution - extra PATCH/api/v3/SalesOrders/{type}/{orderId}/lines - isRotRutDeductable


If you are new to the neXtGen services, please look at the Getting started with the first neXtGen service: ERP Sales Order API for an introduction.